FOG is the school's ‘Friends’ Association. We essentially work the same way as a PTA but rather than just parents and teachers, we are a group of parents/carers/grandparents/friends and neighbours that help raise money for the school by organising various events throughout the year. In fact, anyone over the age of 18 can volunteer to help!

We are always looking for more volunteers. If you're interested in finding out a little more about what we do you can drop us an email at [email protected] or send us a message on our Facebook page @friendsoftheglobeprimary

There is absolutely no expectation that you will attend every meeting or event. Even if you can spare an hour or two here and that, that will be a huge help!

Details of our meetings, along with current event information can always be found on the 3 x FOG notice boards dotted around the school (outside the school office, in the Y4 playground and by the train between Y1 & Y2) and on our Facebook page

Please give us a little like and share our news on Facebook - the more successful our events are, the more money we raise for our children!

All FOG events are advertised and payable on our website